Fifty Shades trilogy

Fifty Shades of Grey. Fifty Shades Darker. Fifty Shades Freed.
I was once again in my bubble, my own little world, this weekend. I think I still am feeling the after-effect of the mysteriously handsome character of Christian Grey and his interesting relationship with Anastacia Stelle. I could not find the will to put down the book. I am locked into each page. I just needed to finish all three. I feel like, or hope to be that, they are real people living in the same universe and at the same time as I am. On the side note, I have always been like this. I have difficulty drawing a clear line to separate fiction and reality. It's a struggle. I honestly am so drawn into it. I love reading. I love this book.
I laughed. I cried. I was angered. I fell in love. The author made so much research of the seemingly odd, not-so-well-accepted sexual lifestyle that some people, like Grey, have. She presented it without judgments doing it knowlingly that she has vast readers of different personalities and point of views. Somehow she managed to stir the story away from the morality aspect of it. One of Dr. Flynn's dialog was an affirmation to that -- in safe, sane, consensual relationships. I also feel like I learned so much about wine, cars, Seattle by reading this book. LOL The character of Ana is so strong, innocent, and pure. It's true that everyone deserves unconditional love. Having it is your decision. No one should give up who they are for anyone and the person you love should never ask you to give up who you are to their liking. It's the root of all unhappy union. I honor Ana for never giving up on Grey when the going gets tough. I honor Grey for surrendering to his heart and trying something he wasn't used to. The book is full of fifty shades of kinky-ness, that's true... but there's more to it than sex, as to any of our relationship. Sex is just a sweet icing to our delicious dark chocolate cake. It is not the cake.
I could not think of any other better way to end the trilogy. I guess that's what unconditional love does to you. It's happy... and why shouldn't we not read of happy things? Somehow it gives us hope that ours will be too.
Congratulations to the author! You have captivated me into the story. What bright, imaginative, creative mind you have! The story was mind-blowing, crazy, opened my eyes to new perspectives, fun. I had fun reading them!
"What else do you love about me?" he asks and his eyes widen.To the mouth... "I love this and what comes out of it, and what you do to me with it."To the temple.. "And what's in here. You're smart and witty and knowledgeable, competent in so many ways."To the chest.. "But most of all, I love what's in here. You are the most compassionate man I've met. What you do. How you work. It's awe-inspiring"“Christian, you are the state lottery, the cure for cancer, and the three wishes from Aladdin's lamp all rolled into one”
― E.L. James, Fifty Shades Freed
P.S. It's an adult book, by the way.