Mom's PIzza

Mom's PIzza

There are several more-filled pizza that I've come to know as I was growing up. Pizza of different sizes, from the smallest to the largest 32-inch. Pizza of different flavors, from the basic pepperoni to the smartly created Shawarma flavor. I love all of them.

There is one pizza, though, that always feels like home to me - Mom's Pizza. When I was young, this was the only pizza readily available at the cafeteria. With a meager allowance of an elementary student, I could not possibly afford one every day. For getting a high score in Physics and Math, a double-sliced pizza was what I reward myself with. It sure did brighten my week every time. This pizza has been a part of my childhood. Whenever I take a bite from this delicious box, it brings with it wonderful memories and it never fails to bring a smile on my face.

P.S. A box Mom's Pizza now costs only Php 95.00

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