
2013 wrap up

2013 wrap up

I used to evaluate the year by the good and bad it brings. This year, I was true to my promise of just listing down things I'm grateful for every month. 

Hawaii Hilakay
bonding at colleague’s place for her bday
started Yoga and loving it
6 years with boo
started talks of NGO for CHD kids & families
joined Sinulog photo contest
many firsts — fluvial parade 
     watched Ms.Cebu
BUI office convenience
boo's surprise camera bday cake by LMG Pastry 
new blog theme
many firsts - Dumaguete Sans Rival, Gabby’s Bistro
     drive to Oslob
     drive to San Remegio via Busay, Tabuelan
heart baby’s successful heart surgery & fast recovery
gave Papa my old iPhone4; he’s very happy
employees’ night hosting… super fun!
boo as best Sinulog film narrator
old friend from Canada visits Cebu
mentioned by VP on corporate-wide social media
Sunday 2pm, finally!
10 years multiple entry on visa
brother’s graduation
cancer-free aunt
US travel for the first time with boo
road trips in the US with Navigon
visit to cousin's place in Ohio
night out and bonding with good friends April and Floyd
boo meets mom and dad for the first time
bonding with parents: outlet store, dinner out, movie
my iPad2 is finally mine; no sharing
done 1 mission transfer
family’s trip to SG even without me
Nate’s death anniversary with food from ineedcakes
Nate’s death anniversary with visit from Maven’s parents
Let It Echo is official!
fully paid pension
Iron Man 4 with whole family
team growth with the addition of 2 missions
additional 1 more mission
girls bonding time at BFF’s new house
bonding at Barcode
Palawan trip for my birthday
successful 5D workshop
merit increase
everyone who I helped brief got visa
my BFF’s wedding
successful World Heart Day celebration @ Outpost
my outdoor super love
High Impact presentation best presenter
president of Toastmasters club
successful pilot for leadership forum
better at handling All Souls’ Day
done all mission transfers; finally owned
checkmarks on several year-end deliverable
year-end bonus
German foundation grants 200k pesos to CHD kid Poknat. I endorsed and helped compose her needed letter.
my vacations
year-end party with super heroes
high school barkada bonding
sister's vacay to Cebu
Now, didn't that make a lot more difference? Thanks to my box of happiness.
May 2014 be a year of more prosperity, abundance, joy, great travels, and happiness for me and for you. Cheers to a wonderful year ahead!
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