
Tips on taking IELTS Exam

Tips on taking IELTS Exam

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam is taken to measure a person's English proficiency. I wish schools could have trained students for these type of exams and did mock tests. There is actually a good learning structure as foundation in writing a good essay. I wish I had that knowledge earlier.

In order to get your desired scores, I suggest to enroll in a review center that does one-on-one coaching. If you prefer to self-study, however, that can work too as there are several resources online that I found useful.

For Listening exam, 

  • Focus. Do not let your mind wander off. Focus. The paraghraphs will not be repeated.
  • When the instructions say, “you have time to go over the answers x to y”, do so. Understand the context of the questions and look for keywords. Listen to this keyword when it comes. The questions are in sequential order to the answers.
  • For practice Listening exam: There is not much sites for Listening exams that give you the audio and answer sheet for free. Other sites ask for payment to see the answer sheet. This is the useful site for that. Navigate on this tree: IELTS Training Online
For Reading exam,
  • Often, you have time to review. Use that time to do so. Go through each item again with fresh eyes. 
  • Self-talk helps. Say this to yourself during the exam, “I like reading. I like this exam.”
  • Read the questions first for you to have an idea which specific info to find in the passage. Remember, there are more detailsi n the passage than the answers you need.
  • Read the entire passge. That is the only way for you to know if something is not given.
  • The moment you see the answer, while reading, go to the asnwer sheet immediately and write it. You don't want to let go of something you already caught ( LOL)
  • For TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN, answers are given in chronological order 99% of the time.
  • Do not always expect to find in the passage the exact words found in the question. Remember, build your vocabilary because compression is the key.
  • Don't just practice. It has to be constant correct practice.
For Writing exam, here is a list of my go-to resources:
Don’t watch too many videos because that will only confuse you. Stick to the videos that I gave above.
You can read examples of essay on certain bands here, IELTS Writing Samples
Read only the examples of the band scores you desire so as not to confuse your mind. Your mind is powerful and it should only pick-up desired outcomes.
On the IELTS exam day
The night before the exam, ready the following:
- Valid passport (check expiry date)
- Comfortable clothes
- Comfortables shoes
- Jacket, as the test center can get cold
- Health care essentials - portable alcohol bottle, face mask (+ extra), face shield
- Alarm for tomorrow
- Watch a comedy movie. This relaxes your mind and get ready for tomorrow's exam.
On the day,
- Wake up early and get ready early
- Arrive at least an hour earlier than your test schedule
- If you are a woman, check the schedule of your monthly period. If it is that week of the exam, wear a sanitary pad just in case it comes earlier.
- It helps to drink Energy Drink. This will enhance your focus and give you a boost of energy.
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