


Today I discovered the wonderful feature of Block this Caller in IOS7. It does not only block the Contact from calling, it also automatically blocks you from receiving any text message or iMessage from that Contact. How great is that?! When the person calls, the call gets dropped. When the person sends SMS or iMessage, it will be successfully sent in his view but you won’t be receiving any, even after you’ve unblocked the Contact back. Messages sent during the duration of the “block” are gone forever. Yey! That means no more spam. No more John Calub ads who never listens to my replies of excluding me in their blast messages. No more of that annoying person who only points out all the wrong that you do and never fails to appreciate you of the right things you did. These and many others saved me so much of stress. At last, peace and quiet. That’s one stress down out of my system. Thank you, iOS!

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