
How to Stay Safe While Enjoying Sinulog?

How to Stay Safe While Enjoying Sinulog?

This is a repost I got from our Security Manager disseminated to all of us.


The Sinulog is best experienced when you go out in the streets and join in the merriment of the vigorous and dancing crowd. Take these simple safety precautions so you can be guaranteed of a memorable and enjoyable Sinulog celebration. Viva Pit Senyor, everyone!


Sinulog Parade

  • Always be aware of the people around you. Stay alert at all times
  • As much as possible, avoid very crowded areas.
  • Bring hats, bonnets, fans, and umbrellas. Since the weather is kind of unpredictable, so it would also be advisable to bring an extra shirt just in case you get soaked in the rain.
  • Wear light and comfortable clothes to avoid excessive sweating. Don’t wear heavy fabrics or dark-colored clothing.
  • Don’t be flashy as you might attract thieves and snatchers. It is advisable not to wear expensive jewelries. Turn your rings around so that the stones don’t show. Or better yet, don’t wear genuine necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings.
  • Bring hankies, bandannas, wet tissues, or face towels to keep dry.
  • Protect your skin from the heat of the sun by applying sunscreen and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Use wet tissues to keep your skin clean and moisturized. Keep your body hydrated as much as possible.
  • Don’t forget to bring your own bottled water, liquids, or beverages to quench your thirst.
  • Be extra careful when using your cell phone or other electronic gadgets while watching the parade or street partying. When bringing a camera or any valuable electronic gadget, make sure it is fastened to your body with the use of a sling.
  • Hold your purse securely between your arm and your body.
  • Be careful when buying food or drinks. It would be wise to buy from stores, pharmacies or malls nearby and not just from some stalls along the road.
  • Accessorize (optional). Make use of your Sinulog paraphernalias, such as whistles, Sinulog masks, native hats, or Sinulog wristbands, to feel the spirit of the festivity.

Street Precautions

  • It is advisable to walk the streets with a companion.
  • Walk confidently and be alert with your surroundings.
  • If a stranger on the street approaches you and tries to initiate a conversation, do not respond to that person; instead, ignore him/her and continue walking.
  • Always keep your valuables close to you or hold your bag in between your arms and body. If you are using a sling bag, make sure it is situated in front of your body and not at the back.

Car Safety

  • Secure your car by parking it in well-maintained areas.
  • Park your car in well-lighted parking spaces or parking lots during the night.
  • Be sure to lock the car doors before leaving your car.
  • Make sure to check the back seat before entering your car.
  • Have your car keys at hand so you won’t have to linger before entering your car.
  • If you feel that you are being followed, drive to the nearest police or fire station, or make a stop at a public place.
  • If a motorist is stranded on the side of the road and asks for your help, don’t pull over. Instead, go to a phone and request help for them.

Novena Masses

  • Be aware of the schedule of the novena masses.
  • Always bring a fan and umbrella.
  • Don’t leave your bag or belongings unattended.
  • Be vigilant and stay alert at all times.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by bringing your bottled water, juice or beverages.
  • Untoward incidents could happen. It’s best to bring at least one identification card.
  • Be respectful by turning off your cell phone or putting it on a silent mode once the novena mass starts.
  • If you plan to light candles, prepare your coins beforehand.
  • Get acquainted with the entry and exit points. Know where the paging booths are situated, especially if you have your kids with you.

Common Helpful Tips

  • Don’t bring too much stuff. Just bring the basic things that you need like bottled water, towel, wet wipes, fan, handkerchief, hat, etc. The less heavy your bag is, the better.
  • Don’t be careless while watching the Sinulog parade. Always be vigilant, especially with your personal belongings.
  • Ignorance is not an excuse. Familiarize yourself with the Sinulog parade route.
  • Be aware of the different locations of the water stations during the Sinulog festivity. This year, there will be 19 water stations distributed all over the city. Make sure you are aware of the locations of these water stations.
  • Avoid passing through secluded alleys if you are alone.
  • Avoid parking in dark vacant lots.
  • Be aware of situations and locations that could make you vulnerable to crime, such as “snatch-prone” areas or dark passageways.
  • Try to abstain from alcoholic drinks while the sun is up as you can run the risk of dehydration. Alcohol tends to dehydrate the body, so wait until sunset before starting the booze.
  • Crooks will be virtually everywhere during the festivity, so it is advisable to wear something with pockets where you can put your money instead of carrying a wallet in your bag.
  • Put on some sun block if you are planning to roam the streets all day long. The higher the SPF rating of the sun block, the better. There are spray sun blocks if you don’t like the sticky sun block lotions. Either way, it’s best to prevent sunburns after a long day of roaming the streets under the heat of the sun.


With all the tips that we have given, may you have a safe and fun-filled celebration in honor of Sr. Sto. Niño!


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