
How to save storage space? Vacuum Packs, a travel essential

How to save storage space? Vacuum Packs, a travel essential

Ever wondered how you'd fit all your clothes including those you recently shopped in your travel bag? That was always a problem of mine whenever I am packing my bags on the way back home. What I did before was to unload all my old clothes and have them shipped home via the Balikbayan Box instead. It was quite an inconvenience because it usually takes at most 2 months for the box to arrive. Well... It's not anymore my problem and I'm very happy. Now, I can bring everything home with me and without extra cost. :)

In my recent trip to Walmart, I found this Vacuum Packs for $19.99. By packing through this material, I am able to eliminate air and save some luggage weight. 

All you have to do are: 

(1) Place your carefully folded and piled clothes inside the plastic bag,
(2) Using a vacuum, place the vaccum's mouth into the hole of the plastic bag. Turn on the vacuum. You should be seeing your plastic bag shrinking.
Viola! Ain't it cool?! :)

This is how the pack looks like before vacuum.

This is how it looks like while air is eliminated.

This is the finish product. :)

A perk of storing clothes in vacuum pack is that you don't have to worry of spilled liquid. The clothes are protected. ^_^

What's even cooler about the vacuum packs, other than they are reusable, is that you can use it for storage too. In the pictures I've shown, I've used it in storing my comforters. Now, I don't have to worry of it being too bulky. In addition to that, I can keep my comforters clean while stored with vacuum pack.

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