District C Toastmasters Speech Contest
I joined Toastmasters Club because I love speaking in public. Making speeches is always a struggle but when I do find my motivation, I always end up high. Speaking in public gives me that high. I also like listening. I get to know of other people from the speeches they deliver. I get to know what they do for fun, what their principles are, who they are. I get to know them without getting too personal. It's just the way I like it. I also love how the speakers use the power of words and humor to entertain their audience. It amazes me every time.
Last weekend was the District C Toastmasters Speech Contest. It was held at Lakwatsa Lounge. The event consisted of 4 contests - Evaluation, Impromptu, International Prepared, and Humorous speech contests.
Here's a speech delivery of one of my favorite speakers. This is her entry for Humorous Speech Contest. She's a lady lawyer and a great speaker. I especially love her confidence. She didn't win as champion of the contest but she sure was my bet. Thank you for that wonderful humorous and entertaining speech, Atty Ging. I enjoyed it. Watch her.
Darwin John Moises won as champion for the International Prepared Speech Contest. It is a well-deserved win. Congratulations, DJ! :) Here's a video of his winning perforamnce.