Sinulog 2013 Awarding

Yesterday night was the Sinulog 2013 Awarding. The winners for literature and photo contents were known and published ahead. However for documentary and short films, it was still earlier that afternoon that judging was done. All films were shown earlier that afternoon. Although I did not win the photo contest, I find great pride at the shots I took. The photos that won were almost the same shots as I have on the same subjects. My photos just lack focus and sharpness. Ain't that great?! That means I got the artistic eye! Hehe ^_^ I am very proud of my friends Franz Arrogante and Mikhail Arrogante who have consistently won awards for every year that they joined. The brothers are the same videographer and photographer I got for my wedding coverage. That was a loooong time ago. LOL
You know what came really unexpected and made the day even more amazing? My husband won the Best Narrator for Sinulog Video Documentary! Yes, as a voice talent this is such a great deal and we both are very happy and proud. Even I did not expect it because all nominees sounded really good too. The award was very unexpected that we have not thought of bringing our DLSRs for photo or even take video. So here are my shots taken through my phone. We just have to do away with it. Haha Days before the actual recording, Mc lost his voice. He offered the recording to Sto.Nino without any fee. This is what Sto.Nino repaid him for. Amazing! To God be the glory.
We celebrated with siblings and cousins at Charlie Chicken, eBloc building IT Park. This is a new chicken place we recently found. Great food + great company = perfect celebration. Thank you Sr. Sto. Nino. Viva Pit Senyor!
View the winning piece here: