
My Top 16 iOS Apps

People are going gaga over the recent release of iPhone 5. More individuals are getting into Apple iOS devices. I've been asked of this question all the time from my friends who are first-time users of iPhone or iPad devices. I don't mind answering them, really, but I think a blog would be a comprehensive response.

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My first US Trip

My US trip was very special for me. It is past a year and a few months now that I first traveled to the US. When I applied for visa, my baby was still with me. I had it scheduled a day before we checked-in the hospital for my baby's heart surgery. I took the approval as a good continuous sign of God's power, love, and healing. I thought it will be good news all the way. Little did I know that my US trip was my baby angel's gift because he won't be staying long. The issue date of my visa was May 12.

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