
The first man in my life

The first man in my life

This is a picture of my family when we were much younger. Yes, I was very cute back then. LOL My dad was very happy as I am his first child of 3 kids.

A good friend of mine asked about my father. He said he never heard me talk about him. Come to think of it, I never did. I don't know why. Probably there wasn't a need to. So this Father's day, I've decided to give my dad the attention he deserves.

My dad is the sweetest, most loving, most compassionate, most practical, and most thrifty man I know. He prefers to be called "papa" rather than "dad". He says "dad" is a rich family's calling. "Yan, you are not a millionaire's daughter", he would say. LOL Yes, that's my dad. Humble and does not sugar coat. LOL

My dad has the heart of an onion. He is the first one who cries when watching Filipino drama series and movies. He doesn't talk much, yet when he speaks, his words hit the bone. God has blessed him with so much wisdom.

He taught us how to pray. We pray every night - daily readings, rosary, thanksgiving, personal prayer. He will call us round robin starting from the eldest (me) to the youngest, and asks us to say our prayers. We'd pray for anything from passing an exam to healing of our friend's pet. He instilled in us a study discipline. No television from Sunday through Thursday nights. If we don't have homework, read ahead. Answer the exercises in the textbooks ahead.

I also remember I was very worried because I was not musically inclined in grade school. My music teacher required us to learn and play a musical instrument of our choice. As our final exam, we were asked to perform a full song infront of the class. Yikes! I thought I was doomed. I asked my dad and he suggested to learn guitar. He bought me everything I need. With the gracefulness of a professional, he played Leader of the Band plucking each string to the rhythm. My dad sings beautifully. He plays very well too. I was awestruck and inspired. With my small fingers, I learned to play the instrument. The song still brings so much of those good memory up until now.

He inspired us to write, to use our imagination and write short stories and poems. He'd pay 20-pesos for each page. He taught us to type fast. He'd ask us to type each page of his report. He was very strict with the format and correct grammar.

He taught me how to drive. He isn't a patient man but he was patient to me every Saturday as my driving teacher. I remember crying because I can never perfect manual transmission driving. Stop, run again. Stop then run again. That was the lesson repeatedly taught those days. He said the most difficult was not following the traffic rules and signs or finding a parking space. It was the stop and run again act. I couldn't agree more. I remember crying and swearing never to drive again. If it was my mom, she'd comfort me and hire a driver instead (yes, my mom spoils us and we're loving it) but it was my dad. He allowed me to cry and on the following Saturday, he asked me to go again for another lesson. I'm glad he did. Driving always gives a sense of freedom. It soothes the mind.

My dad wasn't always like that. He wasn't always loving and compassionate. I remember him moody and inflicting terror. He was an old-school authoritarian. He pushed me to be my best in school which I did. We got the belt when needed. I used to fear him. It was only when he found the Lord and started praying did he become the man he is. I'm glad he did. He became the foundation of our family.

My dad is perfect. I would not want any other man for a father. To my dad, thank you for raising me the best way you know how. One of the best things you did is being a good husband to mommy.

To all the fathers, no matter what your relationship is to your child, know this. All children see their dad as their hero. You always have a special place in your children's hearts.

Happy Father's day to all the fathers in the world! You deserve a thunder clap! ^_^

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