PhilCare prepaid health card

PhilCare prepaid health card

Ever since this product had been introduced to me two years ago, I've been an avid fan. Not everyone knows about these (products) so I'm sharing with you. You'd be as ecstatic as I am, for sure.

PhilCare has this prepaid cards for emergency and hospitalization use. I got one for my household help and I've been renewing every year. The name of the product is ER Vantage Plus. You have several ER Vantage options. I chose ER Vantage Plus 80k coverage. It's a good coverage to have than none. The card is for one-time use only evenif you have not fully utilized your coverage. As of this writing, you can use up to 3 cards in a year. Payment is also done online. Activation of the card is through SMS so I find it very convenient. Too cool! :)

PhilCare has some other products too other than these two. They have for consultation and some comprehensive plans. To know more about other products they offer, click PhilCare Product List

What to do?

  1. Click on
  2. Choose the product you want to purchase.
  3. Click Add to Cart. A pop-up window just like the one below will show. Click on Checkout.
  4. Enter your billing details and credit card information then click Purchase.
  5. After purchase, you will receive an email from PhilCare giving you your Order Number and informing you that the purchase is pending approval from your bank.
  6. After a day, you will receive another email from PhilCare confirming your purchase. The email will contain your personal card number, serial number, and pin code. It will also contain a link to register. Make sure to register the name your are intending to insure. In my case, I am registering our household help so I enter her name and her birth date. 
  7. After inputting all details, click on Submit or Register. Then you're done. :)
  8. Expect your card to arrive a day after. You need to keep the card because it is what you'll show the hospital for any claim.
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