Halloween Costume idea: Walking Dead

Don't they just creep you out?!
Yesterday, my nephews were trick or treating at the offices and the malls. If you recall, I had mentioned my nephews in this funny post. Yes, these are the same funny crazy smart kids! LOL
Because Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Ninja costumes are getting old and boring, we decided to dress them up as our favorite Walking Dead characters. If you haven't guessed it yet, it's the last pic of this post. For the amputated arm to look like it has flesh in it, we stuffed them with tissue and then painted the amputated area with red. Bloody hell! The chains around their necks are not chains. These are foils rolled like chains. So cool, right?!
As they walked around, strangers posed and took their picture with them. When asked if they want candies or chocolates or cake, they replied, "Harrr.... Brains!!!". LOL My nephews loved the attention! They laughed at how other kids cry at the sight of them... although I think my nephews also did not dare look at themselves in the mirror. Haha Yeah, they acted all tough when they're the one doing the scare. LOL
They do look really scary. Good thing I didn't have nightmare last night. Their costumes do get better and better every year!
P.S. The wonderful makeup is done by the very creative, artistic, and talented Mama Chai. ^_^