
chd awareness

Let it ECHO: We are official!

Earlier this month, Let It ECHO received the much-awaited good news from SEC. After months of going back and forth of signing papers, we are finally officially registered! We are very happy. We couldn't have done it without our good friend lawyer, Atty Maria Carmen Tormis-Abayon. Thank you for the help. Thank you, everyone, for the patience.

Now we can start working with our plans. Let's make the world a better place, one kid at a time.

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CHD: Healthy Baby Gabrielle

Remember the baby we ran for 2 Hearts to Beat Fun Run and the several garage sales we participated in? Yes, Baby Gabrielle had undergone her open heart surgery and have survived the whole ordeal. Yehey! Congratulations to everyone for helping. You saved Baby Gabrielle's heart. This is the latest picture of baby Gabrielle. She is healthy and strong. Check out more information at Let It Echo facebook page.

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