
my dilemma..

I will be turning 30 this year and that somehow made me feel sad. Very soon, I will need to make a decision to start trying to bear a child again or to completely let go of the idea. I have been taking pills for 7 months now and it would be hypocritical of me to say I didn't enjoy it. I did. I enjoyed the freedom from the monthly scares. My periods are now regular and predictable. I feel good about myself too. I placed much effort in my diet and workout.

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Group game Ideas? Check out Hawaii Hilakay reunion

It has been a tradition of the family to hold reunion every first day of the year. We usually hold our reunion at our grandma's ancestral home at Ramos. Because we have grown so many, the old ancestral home can no longer accommodate us. Since last year, we started holding our reunion at the only function place that opens on New Year day, JSU Mariners Court. It is a little pricey but we are very satisfied of the place especially because it is equipped with wifi.

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Welcoming 2013 with round fruits, polka dots, and lots of prayers

Here are pictures of new year traditions. According to elders, 13 round fruits will ensure plenty of good luck, and good health. The tinggling sound of coins in your pocket and the wearing of polka-dotted clothes will ensure abundant financial wealth. There are so many more superstitions that we practice. Nevertheless, whether you have these or not, I believe there are blessings enough for all of us.

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Christmas and the season of giving

The world did not end when the Mayan calendar ended. Yey! I would not want it to ruin Christmas. If there's something the Mayans taught us, it is that when you don't finish something, it's not the end of the world. LOL Kidding aside, I am truly happy all the fuzz about the world ending in this generation was just a rumor. It means though that we still need to take care of our planet. 

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