
My Valentine

Believe it or not, in the almost-seven years that we have been together, it is only at these times that we are most peaceful and harmonious. We probably have already adjusted to the life of being married. It is also probably because we both individually decided to stop worrying. Throw all worries up in the air. We only have one life to live. We better live it! We are enjoying each other's company more than the world. We stopped looking at each other as the enemy. In this world, all we got is only each other.

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Sinulog 2013 Awarding

Yesterday night was the Sinulog 2013 Awarding. The winners for literature and photo contents were known and published ahead. However for documentary and short films, it was still earlier that afternoon that judging was done. All films were shown earlier that afternoon. Although I did not win the photo contest, I find great pride at the shots I took. The photos that won were almost the same shots as I have on the same subjects. My photos just lack focus and sharpness. Ain't that great?! That means I got the artistic eye!

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Sinulog 2013 Photo Contest Winners

Sinulog 2013 list of winners was posted and it does not have my name on it. Gosh! Enough of my wishful thinking. Haha I guess that meant with so many photographers, only a few have the art.

Some shoot to win. Some shoot for passion. Some are there for the fashion. While others, shoot as an offering. No matter what your reasons are, may the images you capture through your lens reflect the spirit of the celebration. Pit Senyor, everyone! See you next year's Sinulog!

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Sinulog 2013 Pictures

Good news... I've already submitted 10 of my best photos. Yey! Let's hope for the best! I can't post them here because Sinulog Foundation rules don't allow us to.

I hope these photos will give you an idea of how beautiful Sinulog was in my eyes. I hope it will encourage you to join the celebration next time. :)

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How to Stay Safe While Enjoying Sinulog?

This is a repost I got from our Security Manager disseminated to all of us.


The Sinulog is best experienced when you go out in the streets and join in the merriment of the vigorous and dancing crowd. Take these simple safety precautions so you can be guaranteed of a memorable and enjoyable Sinulog celebration. Viva Pit Senyor, everyone!


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